come, change the world!

It wasn’t anything special, just a random act of kindness. I helped an older woman carry her bags to her car. We smiled, exchanged a few words, and most likely, we’ll never see each other again. But what stayed with me was a smile. This tiny moment gave me a real...

Selbstfürsorge oder Selbstoptimierung

Ein Begriff, der mir in der Therapie oft begegnet, ist Selbstfürsorge. Dabei stelle ich immer wieder fest, dass viele Menschen Selbstfürsorge mit Selbstoptimierung verwechseln. In der heutigen Zeit haben wir Zugang zu einer Fülle von Wissen – unzählige...

Selfcare or Selfoptimisation

Selfcare or Selfoptimisation One concept that often comes up in therapy is self-care. What I frequently notice is that many people confuse self-care with self-optimization. In today’s world, we have access to an overwhelming amount of information—countless self-help...